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A natural extension of Chrysallis, TakeWing provides a vehicle through which I can continue to work with individuals and teams who are curious, open and committed to learning. I offer individual and team coaching, facilitation and mediation as well as subject matter expertise across the disciplines that comprise talent management. Please read on, and/or contact me at
Coaching is a wellness-based, forward-looking relationship that fosters the coachee's ability to maximize his or her personal/professional potential. Ontological coaching takes a holistic view of the individual, embracing and expanding how the coachee views, experiences, and subsequently chooses to create a future they want.
Facilitation is the craft of engaging participants in a constructive and full dialogue. Well facilitated meetings are typically characterized by a high level participation, an open exchange of ideas, and clear decision-making. A powerful practice, facilitation enables teams to function at their best.
Mediation is a personal, customized intervention designed to resolve conflict or misunderstanding between individuals or groups. Mediation addresses both parties' ability to acknowledge, deal with and move beyond issues that have kept them stuck, or that have spilled over with negative consequence into private or professional domains.
Subject Matter Expertise: With over two decades of hands-on design and implementation of practices in the domain commonly referred to today as “talent management”, my expertise includes leadership development (middle manager to executive), succession management, performance management, diversity and inclusion, mentoring and coaching. Work in these areas is always tailored to the client. I am available for ad interim assignments. Please contact me at to discuss your needs.